IP Indian Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research

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IP Indian Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research (IJODR) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2015 and is published under the Khyati Education and Research Foundation (KERF), is registered as a non-profit society (under the society registration act, 1860), Government of India with the vision of various accredited vocational courses in healthcare, education, paramedical, yoga, publication, teaching and research activity, with the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be publishing the more...

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70- 76

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Uday N. Soni, Shyama Dash, Mayuresh Baheti, Rahul Baldawa, N.G Toshniwal

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Patient’s expectations of orthodontic treatment at first visit

Original Article

Author Details : Uday N. Soni, Shyama Dash, Mayuresh Baheti, Rahul Baldawa, N.G Toshniwal

Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2016

Article Page : 70-76

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Objectives: To access the patient’s expectations of orthodontic treatment at first visit.
Design: A questionnaire survey of 120 adolescent patients attending for their first consultation. In the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Rural Dental College, PIMS.
Subjects and Methods: A total of 120 subjects (60 boys and 60 girls) completed a valid questionnaire measure of orthodontic expectations at first visit that was tested for reliability and validity. The subjects were aged 10 to 25 years. The responses of the subjects and differences between boys and girls were examined using parametric statistical methods.
Results: This study provides a psychometrically validated measure of orthodontic expectations in 10 to 25 year-old adolescent patients in India (Maharashtra). Indian patients had higher expectations of check-up and diagnosis or discussion about treatment at their initial visit. They expected more orthodontic fixed appliances, straight teeth, better smile and its effects on speech and mastication. They expected that wearing braces would be painful and there would be more dietary and drinking restrictions. They were undecided for the reaction from the other people. Significant differences between males and females were found for pain, dietary and drinking restrictions, career improvement, treatment time and type of orthodontic treatment.
Conclusion: Since the expectations of patients differ on several aspects, effective communication between the orthodontist and patient is considered to be essential.

Key words: Patients Expectations at First visit, Orthodontic Treatment, Questionnaire Study

How to cite : Soni U N, Dash S, Baheti M, Baldawa R, Toshniwal N, Patient’s expectations of orthodontic treatment at first visit. IP Indian J Orthod Dentofacial Res 2016;2(2):70-76

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